Friday, April 12, 2013

My Top 5 Pet Peeves as a Grocery Store Employee

It's going to be a quick blog post today because I am close to finishing Battle Royale(page 459). If the act of putting down the book doesn't show you my dedication to BEDA, I don't know what will?! So what do you do when you're lazy and want to make a quick blog post? Make a list!

Here are my Top 5 Pet Peeves as a Grocery Store Employee:

1. Customers that bring up items to have scanned and then decide not to get them. One item, OK I'll let it slide, but a whole cart full of items! Really?! Unacceptable! You can find out the price of an item in the aisle. If it doesn't say its on sale, it's not on sale. If you don't think you have enough money or only want the items if it's on sale don't put the items in your cart.

2. Getting mad at the cashier for how crappy the plastic bags are/being out of paper bags. I am not in charge of ordering bags. I make minimum wage and have no say in how the grocery store is managed. I too hate that they break since I am the one bagging your groceries. All I can do is nod and smile and agree with you.

3. People who don't try to help bag their own groceries. I hate when people with two shopping carts full of groceries just sit there watching as I ring them up, bag, and check them out. And then they have the nerve to be impatient that it's taking too long. If you were bagging while I was ringing it would go so much faster. Also when you make weird requests like "Put these three items in the same bag", it would be so much easier for you to just put them in yourself. I of course will help you, its my job, but I can't ring up your groceries and bag at the same time. If you don't want to help just accept that it may be a little longer.

4. People who demand double/triple bagging. The rules are if an item is very heavy and straining the bag they should be double bagged. That is an acceptable time to double bag something. All your groceries do not need to be double bagged and especially not triple bagged! If you ask for extra bags I will smile and say of course, but usually we are close to running out of bags and I am actually thinking "Not my precious bags!" They are a rare commodity people, so please don't overuse bags. Besides it's not good for the environment.

5. A customer who is on the phone while I'm ringing them up. First of all you're not paying attention. It goes so much slower and then I feel like I have to interrupt you to tell you the total. Also its just plain rude! Didn't your mother teach you manners?!

So there you have it. Remember this next time you go to buy groceries. Now back to Battle Royale!

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