Saturday, April 6, 2013

Everything You Need to Know About Me: An Abridged Guide

If I'm going to keep blogging, there are certain things you should probably know about me. Knowing these things will help my posts make more sense. So far, all you know about me is my current career challenges, but there is a lot more to me than that. So here is a list of things about me that will probably come up in future blog posts:

1) I am a pop culture geek. I love movies, television, and all forms of entertainment. I watch everything from old movies, to current hit TV shows, to nerdy Youtubers. You name it, even if I don't watch it, I am still aware of it. This love for pop culture also makes me a trivia fanatic. I am not a very competitive person, but when it comes to trivia I am cutthroat! My family is also very pop culture enthused. It must be something we are born with in my family. On Friday's you can usually find my friends and I at the local bar trivia. If you are looking for us, we are the super intense team with the serious game faces.

2) I am a theater nerd. I have been super lucky to have the opportunity to see live theater at a young age (Thanks Dad!). If you check my Ipod you will find a large number of show tunes. I have been known to perform productions in the comfort of my shower, which if I do say so myself are pretty spectacular for a shower production. I keep track of Broadway news and what's going on in the industry.  This love for theater is part of why I did marketing internships in the industry and loved every minute of them. I mean I got to go to an opening night party and see shows for free. Even if I don't work in the industry, I know if I live in NYC I will always go see shows. It's just something I will always love and appreciate. 

3) I love to read. As a regular patron at the local library, I read all kinds of books ranging the different genres from Sci-fi, memoirs, to YA fiction. I love it all. I am a big Jane Austen fan and have read all her novels. (The BBC miniseries of Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth is my favorite movie adaptation. Please marry me Colin Firth!) For anyone who argues that she is boring chick-lit, you obviously miss her witty satirical writing that so effortlessly conveys her confined world where, as a woman, she had no say. I am also a big John Green fan. One of my favorite books of 2012 was The Fault in Our Stars. (I of course watch him and Hank on Youtube. NERDFIGHTERS!) I will probably blog about books that I am currently reading or authors that I love.

4) I am tall, 5' 9" to be exact. Why is this something you should know? My height is something that I never thought about until college. Coming to college people would frequently comment on my height and it made me self-conscious about it. I've heard things like "Well you must have played basketball in high school!" and "Obviously he wasn't checking you out. You're taller than him." Now my friends joke that I have a height complex. That I am suffering from height dysmorphic disorder. I always assume that I am the tallest person in the room even when that is not the case. My height will probably come up in this blog at some point. When I am bothered about something I like to make it into a joke. It's just something that is part of my life and I am known to rant about it.

5) I am a feminist. As someone who only had sisters, I have always been an advocate for girl power. I know feminism has a bad rep for being extreme, but the true root of the word is wanting equality between the genders and that's all I want. I will probably talk on this topic more when current events or things in my life remind me of that we still have to fight for gender equality.

6) I am not a touchy-feely kind of person. I don't like being touched. It's not that I freak out or melt at human contact, but I do avoid it. I don't really hug people and if I do it is a pretty stiff embrace. I never had a pet growing up so I don't really feel connected to animals. I don't wish them harm, but I don't go all fuzzy and warm at the sight of a puppy. I don't cry easily either,  but when I do it's like the scene in Sense and Sensibility when Elinor holds in her emotions the whole book and finally loses it at the end. I am Elinor. I'm all sense, keeping my emotions inside until they explode. My friends joke that I am a robot. Emotions. can. not. compute. (Okay this is making me seem like a sociopath. I love people and I have emotions. I am just not an overly emotional person. I promise, not a sociopath.)

That's all I can think of for now. Now you know a little more about me and who I am. I won't have to explain about my love for theater when I write a blog post on a Broadway show I saw. Or my love for reading when I write about a book I just read.  I won't have to explain anything when I write a post about how much I hate men. And hugs. And baby animals. (Two of the last three topics were jokes. Can you guess which one was serious?)

ANSWER: It's hugs.

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