Thursday, April 11, 2013

My Current Book Obsession: Episode 1

When I'm reading a book that I like, I become obsessed. I won't be able to put it down. I have been known to finish a book in one sitting. My current book obsession is all I can think about. I had to take a break to go to work which was painful. All I want to do is talk about this book! Since this will probably happen a lot, I decided to make it a regular blog post theme, My Current Book Obsession. More episodes will follow.

I was a big fan of the Hunger Games trilogy. I loved the idea of a dystopian world that put kids in a fight to the death for the world to watch. (I also loved that Katniss was a strong, independent female character.) While I was reading the series, I heard a lot of comments saying this idea was basically a rip off of a Japanese book, Battle Royale. Since I liked Hunger Games, I wanted to read this book that had a similar premise, but, I was told, was darker and more violent. So finally, I was able to get my hands on the book. And let me tell you, I can't put it down!

Right now I am about halfway through (page 263) and the action has been nonstop! At first, I was worried that it would be hard to keep track of 42 students, especially with their similar sounding names, but overall I think Koushun Takami does a good job of making the different characters easy to follow.  The story has two main characters, Shuya Nanahara and Noriko Nakagawa. Even though they are the two characters we root for, we still get a good look into the other characters. Even characters we meet for only a chapter right before their demise, are given a personality, a voice that makes the reader feel for them. So far, I think that Battle Royale, is action packed, but more than just the action it has great character development, especially for how many there are.

After reading something like this and getting so caught up in the action it always makes me think.  Why am I enjoying this? What does it say about me? I mean I am reading about 15 year old children killing each other. Even in the Hunger Games, what I enjoyed most was the tension and excitement of when Katniss was in the games. I am not a violent person. I've never been in a fight and can't say I condone fighting. I am not a big supporter of guns (but I won't get into that controversial topic). Yet, when it comes to entertainment I don't mind. I mean one of my favorite TV shows right now is Walking Dead, a violent zombie show that kills characters left and right. Yes, I love the zombie aspect, but I also love the development of the characters on the show. I like rooting for them. They make the show not just a show about zombies, but a show about people.

I think that's how I feel about Battle Royale. I like the idea of people being put to the test. If deep down they are capable of killing people they have been going to school with for years. You always think "I would never do that!" But are you actually capable of murder if put in the right situation? So maybe me enjoying the book is exactly what the author intends. It makes you stop and think.

I'll keep you updated on what I think of the rest of the book. But so far, I definitely recommend it.

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