Friday, April 5, 2013

Home Sweet Home

One thing that I'm currently happy about it, is that I don't live at home with my family. Right now, I live with two roommates in an apartment in my college town. I debated for a while when I graduated about moving out. Was it stupid financially to leave my rent free house? I decided to take the risk and when I got my internship it made sense because my apartment was much closer commuting into the city. No matter my current bad luck, I am still happy I took the risk. My desire to not live at home has nothing to do with my family. Of course I love my family. I enjoy being home when I visit and I would say I'm pretty close to my family, but it would be a step in the wrong direction for me.

There are two major reasons I decided to take the risk and move out. My hometown is a far distance from all my college friends and most of my high school friends (well, let's be honest. the couple that I still keep in touch with) don't live in the area. Something you need to know about me is that I am a homebody. I will gladly stay in on Friday nights and I usually prefer that to social situations. So if I was home, with most of my friends not around, I would definitely be a shut in. And let's be honest that's a little sad for someone who is supposed to be in the social prime of their 20's.

The second reason is that my hometown is a small town. It is challenging to find jobs in my field in the vicinity. And if my goal is to move to NYC, living in my hometown is far away from everything. It makes going on interviews harder, since I'm not close by. So these two points are what convinced me to take the risk to move out of my family house and live with friends. Well for now anyway. I say that because at any time it could all come crashing down and I will have to return home. I will not relax about this until I have a steady full-time job.

My fear of going home has been particularly strong lately because my lease will be up in two months and my next step is still uncertain. My one roommate is leaving the area to start grad school so she is not interested in renewing our lease or finding new housing. My other roommate and I are considering our options. The problem is that because of the area our landlord wants us to sign a year lease (currently we have a winter rental), but for more money. Also, she only wants two tenants instead of our current three making it way more expensive for us. Since I'm still not sure what's going on in my life I don't think I should make a year commitment. I am applying to jobs all over and I just don't know what's in store for me a year from now. My roommate doesn't want to commit to a year lease either. So we have decided not to renew our current apartment lease. Which is sad because the apartment is really nice and a great location. I mean we've had our problems like finding out that the restaurant downstairs had a key to our apartment which we discovered when they just came in one day (yea I know creepy. And don't worry we quickly had our locks changed), but overall I loved living here. So it's been kind of stressful lately not knowing what's going to happen two months from now. It's so hard to plan something when you have no idea what's happening in your life!

That's why we both decided we wanted  to find a place just for the summer. Now my roommate and I have two options:

1) Look for a summer place in the area together. My roommate doesn't want to share a room so we have to find a two bedroom place, for just the summer, that is affordable. It might be a challenge, but I think we can do it. We've been hesitating looking because both of us really don't want to leave our current apartment, but I think we've finally come to the understanding that it's not happening.

2) My roommate has family in the area so she is thinking about living with them. If she decides to go live with her family, then I will be looking for a room to rent in the area. I have decided that no matter what I am not going home for the summer. I will do everything in my power to not return home. I can live with working at a grocery store, when I want to be doing something using my degree, but I can't live with working at a grocery store and moving back home! Also if I go back home I will have to leave my job and get a job at home which will just be a pain in the butt.

So this is what's been happening in my life. In work news, I saw some guy I went to college with, more of an acquaintance/ friend of a friend, at the grocery store. It was kind of mortifying. He tried to initiate small talk, but it was just awkward. Well that was my day. How was yours?

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