Saturday, April 13, 2013

Kids Movies Are For Adults Too

I've been dying to see Wreck-It-Ralph ever since I saw the previews. They made me laugh and the adorable catch phrase, "I'm going wreck it!", got stuck in my head. Sadly, it's just too darn expensive to go to the movie theater nowadays. (What is it like $12 without any candy or drinks?!) I used to go to the movies all the time, but now, unless it's a really important film, I wait to see it when it comes out on DVD. So I decided to wait for Wreck-It-Ralph. I guess everyone had the same idea because every time we checked Redbox it was all sold out. Finally, today we were able to rent it and it was exactly what I had hoped for.

I love kids movies. Yes still at the old age of 23. I think what I like best about them is their perfect mix of being heartwarming and funny. This is a quality I like in adult movies too, but it's not as guaranteed. Most of my favorite TV shows/movies possess this mix of laugh out loud funny and shed a tear sad. I think this combo is what makes something truly great. Don't get me wrong I love things that are pure horror, comedy, and action, but I think they don't have as strong an impact. I have realized that kid movies do a great job of finding this perfect happy medium. Everything ends up OK, but the hero had to struggle and learn a lesson to get there.

One of my favorite kids movie, that does a great job finding this perfect line of emotions is Up. The first scene in Up, has no dialogue, but is one of the most powerful scenes. It was cute and yet it was sad in that subtle quiet way that real life sometimes is. The music was perfect and it definitely brought out emotion in me which is hard to do (and is maybe why I appreciate it so much). Then the rest of the movie is super funny and light, but also returns to it's heartwarming moments. If you haven't seen Up, rent it right now!

Another kids movie I love, and might be the kids movie that has made me laugh the most is Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. I know you're probably thinking, "Really that movie?" but trust me it's a funny movie! When I saw the previews I actually had no desire to see it, but my best friend and I wanted to go see a movie (and it was in 3D. For some reason we were really into 3D then). We ended up laughing so hard we were probably the loudest people in the theater (and maybe the oldest without children). But besides the laughs it also has heart! Rent it! I promise it's worth it.

I think as an adult you never grow out of watching a good kids movie. Maybe there is still a little child in all of us...(is a really creepy way for me to end this blog! I apologize. It was not meant to be creepy at all.)

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