Monday, April 8, 2013

Are You Socially Awkward? Take This Quiz to Find Out!

1. You bump into someone you know and they definitely know you. Not a close friend, but you are friendly. What do you do?

a) Make eye contact, give a friendly wave or nod of the head and continue with your business.
b) Go over to them and strike up a conversation. You can't wait to learn what's new with them!
c) Try to avoid them by quickly speed walking in the opposite direction. Phew! That was close!
d) Break dance fight

2. You are out in a social setting (party, bar, etc.) and someone you are not familiar with starts hitting on you. You...
a) Enjoy the attention and continuing talking with the person.
b) Flirt right on back! By the end of the night you will have a new phone number in your phone.
c) Freeze up. Not knowing what to do, you give the impression you are not interested.
d) Break dance fight

3. It's Friday night and your friends want to go out! The plan is to go to a party hosted by a friend of a friend. You say...
a) OK, I'll go. Even though you're nervous about not knowing anyone, your young. You decide to live a little.
b) HELL YEA! You love meeting new people!
c) Sorry guys I can't. I already put my pajama pants on. You know what that means? I'm in for the night.
d) Break dance fight

4. You are waiting in line somewhere and a stranger decides to strike up a conversation with you. You...
a) Smile and politely contribute to the conversation.
b) Actively participate in the conversation, adding your own personal stories. Man, don't you just love when this happens?!
c) After you realize it's not going to be just a short exchange, stiffly try to respond like a normal person while praying it will end soon.
d) Break dance fight

If you answered mostly a's- You are a normal person. Like a normal person, sometimes being in social situations makes you nervous, but you always try your best to make an effort. Good for you.

If you answered mostly b's- Hello, social butterfly! You are the type of person who is always bumping into people they know because you are so damn social! You can't get enough of social situations. (You make me sick.)

If you answered mostly c's- You are socially awkward and probably me.

If you answered mostly d's- If you 've ever taken a trashy magazine quiz, then you know they always have one crazy, totally out there answer nobody would pick. This was my attempt. If you actually answered mostly d's well then I guess you like to handle situations by break dance fighting. Good for you.

If you didn't get the gist by now, I am socially awkwardly. I mean not like all the time, but probably more than the average person. And if I do react normal it's because I made a conscious effort to be normal. My normal reaction to social situations will always lean towards awkward. I have to think  "What is the normal thing to do?" I think it says something that I recognize it and am trying to be better. The first step is admitting you have a problem.

Just recently, I went to get food with a friend and saw someone I knew. I debated if I should go say hi. He was at a table with people I was not familiar with. I didn't think he saw me so I decided not to go over and say hello. But then he came up to the counter and it was obvious I couldn't avoid saying something. I waited to say hi, but because he was talking to the clerk,  I hesitated awkwardly waiting behind him. The moment got weird and I just turned to leave. Basically, I made the situation even more awkward.

You think that's awkward? That's not even my worst story!  I was at the gym one day using the weights, when in the mirror I saw behind me this guy who I had been "talking to" (Get my use of parentheses? OK now I made it seem like more than it was. Now it's just awkward. Even in my blog I make things awkward!) So anyway, I literally without thinking dropped the weights I was using and ran out of the gym. Let me repeat. I ran out. And I'm not exaggerating. I ran. And I wasn't even finished working out!

So to recap. I am socially awkward. Don't be offended if you ever see me running away from you. It's not you, it's me.

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