Sunday, April 21, 2013

BSDA (Blog Some Days in April)

I suck. I suckity suck. Once again I failed at my attempt to blog every day in April. I was getting all cocky too, patting myself on the back for a job well done! Just one busy weekend comes along and throws me completely off track. It was so hard to get back into the habit of writing after missing one day. Soon one day turned into a week. But let's just forget about that. It's over. I'm back. So here's what's been going on in my life since we last spoke:

1) This weekend a group of my college friends got together. Some of my friends still live in the area so I see them regularly, but most of them went back to their hometowns after graduation so I don't get to see them as much. On Saturday the street I live on, which is full of bars and restaurants, was having a pub crawl. I unfortunately worked so I missed it, but I got to hang out with my friends afterwards and we went out to breakfast the next day. It was nice to see everyone and hear what they are up to.

2) I started working at my other job. As you know I work at a grocery store, but I also got another part time job to make more money. This job is at a frozen yogurt shop. Right now its kind of slow, but once summer gets under way it's going to be crazy. I think it will be an enjoyable place to work over the summer and you make tips which is nice. My plan is to make as much money as I can this summer and I hope (for my own sanity) that I won't be working part time jobs for too much longer. (Again it all comes back to my deep hope that eventually I will be working a full time job!)  The manager at the frozen yogurt place mentioned that he could work me full time hours if I quit at the grocery store. So my current dilemma is should I work both jobs but probably shorter shifts or working long full time hours at one job. Ultimately it comes down to what will make me more money. It's something I'll have to think about.

3) I had more interactions with weirdos at the grocery store. An old women with a British accent, that looking back might have been fake, bought a bunch of cat food cans. She proceeded to tell me all about how she loves to rescue cats because they rescued her and how a little cat found her after her heart attack and brought her back from the dead saying "Mummy wake up." Then she told me how when one of her cats had kittens, she took one of the kittens between her breasts to warm it. Yes, just picture that. A kitten nuzzled between this woman's boobs just chilling there. I know I'm not a pet person so maybe I don't know what I'm talking about, but whose first thought is to warm a kitten by putting it between your boobs?!  Another odd customer I encountered was an Italian man who kept calling me Bella and telling me how beautiful I was. Then he asked me if I've ever been to Italy. I told him yes and he said the Italian men must of "had there way with me" and asked "did they pinch my butt." How do you respond to that?! I just awkwardly faked laugh and tried to quickly finish his transaction. I guess my grocery store is the top grocery store for weirdos' food needs because I swear this happens every shift.

4) My roommate decided that she is going to live with her grandma for the summer so now I am on the hunt for a room to rent. I contacted a lot of people and some of them got back to me. Friday, I actually visited a room. Well, what a weird experience that was! I brought one of my guy friends with me just to be safe. As we drove to the house we were happy to see that it was in a pretty nice area of town. As we pulled up we saw a man outside of a house that was a number off from what he had told me. It was a cute little house and I just though maybe I mixed up the number. When I got out to introduce myself he actually steered me over to the house next door, which looked significantly more shabby. He explained that he lived in the house with his mother. As I entered the house I realized the inside was also old and not well kept. In the living room, we saw his mother playing the organ with headphones on. She just looked at us and didn't say anything. Her son showed me the room, which was right across from his room. The room was not clean. He also seemed like he just wanted us out quickly. Overall everything about the experience was weird and I don't know if I could spend a summer living with them. Even if I could get over the awkward living situation it wasn't very clean.  So it was a bust and I'm still on the hunt for a living situation. Just add that to the list of things I need to stress about.

So that's what I've been up to lately. Obviously my life is as odd as ever. But I promise to continue BEDA even if I'm treating it more like BSDA.

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